Publications in Refereed Journals
Pure-Exchange Economies with Many Equilibria,” with Pascal Gauthier and Timothy
J. Kehoe, Economic Theory (Special issue in honor of Professor Nicholas Yannelis), forthcoming. (Code for
restart procedure, Discussion
Paper version)
Creation Costs and Economic Development,” with Pedro Amaral,
Economic Theory, forthcoming. Springer link
Financial Exclusion,” with Cyril Monnet, American
Economic Journals: Microeconomics, 13, 2021, pp. 101-134. (Working
Paper version, Online appendix, Code)
“A Back-up Quarterback View of Mezzanine
Finance,” with Antonio Mello, Real Estate
Economics, 49, 2021, pp. 526-556. Wiley
Paper version, Online appendix)
Tranching and the Macroeconomy,”
with Pedro Amaral and Dean Corbae,
International Economic Review, 61,
2020, pp. 1815-1843. (Wiley,
Paper version)
Opacity,” with Cyril Monnet, Review of Financial Studies, 30, 2017,
pp. 4317–4348. Oxford
Paper version)
the Nature of Self-Assessed Prices,” with Morris Davis, Real Estate
Economics, 45, 2017, pp. 628-649. Wiley
Paper version)
Disclosure and Hidden Trades in Asset Markets,” with Cyril Monnet, Journal of
Financial Economics, 123, 2017, pp. 602-616. Science
Direct (Working
Paper version, Matlab script for
numerical example)
“Leverage and the Foreclosure Crisis,” with
Dean Corbae, Journal of Political Economy, 123,
2015, pp. 1-65. UChicago press (Working Paper
version, Replication
Contract Enforcement,” with Cyril Monnet and Thorsten Koeppl, Economic Theory,
55, 2014, pp. 161-183. Springer
Link (Working
Paper version)
Existence in Equilibrium Models with Endogenous Default,” Journal of Mathematical Economics, 49, 2013, pp. 418–421. Science
Direct (Working
Paper version)
Punishment, Less Default?,” Annals of
Finance, 8(4), 2012, pp. 427-454. Springer
Link (Working
Paper version)
Crises and Labor Market Turbulence,” with Sangeeta Pratap, Journal of Monetary Economics 58, 2011,
pp. 601-615. Science
Direct (Working
Paper version, Computational
and data appendix, Trade balance
without interest shocks)
Enforcement, Financial Intermediation and Economic Development: A Quantitative
Assessment,” with Pedro Amaral, International
Economic Review, 51, 2010, pp. 785–811. Wiley
(C code
for computing the equilibria reported in the paper)
Enforcement and the Size of the Informal Economy,” Economic Theory 37,
2008, pp. 395–416. Springer
Enforcement and the Organization of Production,” Journal of Macroeconomics 30,
2008, pp. 1222–45. Science
Utilization and the Real Impact of Financial Crises,” with Felipe Meza, Advances in
Macroeconomics, Berkeley Journals, 7(1), 2007, Article 33. (computational appendix) Paper at BE
Do Financial Systems Differ? History Matters,” with Cyril Monnet, Journal of
Monetary Economics 54 (4), May 2007, 1002-17. Science
Competitive Model of the Informal Sector,” with Pedro Amaral,
of Monetary Economics 53 (7), October 2006, 1541–53. (technical appendix) Science
Labor Markets Segmented in Developing Countries? A Semiparametric Approach,”
with Sangeeta Pratap, European
Economic Review, 50(7), October
2006, 1817–41. (Results for
employees with one occupation) Science
Contracts in a Dynamic Costly State Verification Model,” with Cyril Monnet, Economic Theory,
26 (4), November 2005, 867-85. Springer
Old Together: Firm Survival and Employee Turnover,” with John J. Stevens, Topics in
Macroeconomic, Berkeley Journals, 5 (1), 2005, Article 21. Paper at BE press